why is my new asphalt driveway cracking

why is my new asphalt driveway cracking

So, you’ve recently invested in a brand new asphalt driveway, expecting it to be smooth and durable for years to come. But to your dismay, cracks have already started to appear. What could be causing your new asphalt driveway to crack so soon?

Contrary to popular belief, asphalt driveways are not immune to cracking. In fact, they are prone to cracking due to the nature of the material. Unlike concrete driveways, which have controlled joints to accommodate movement, asphalt lacks these joints and therefore cracks over time. But that’s not the only reason.

Improper installation or sub-grade problems can also contribute to the formation of cracks in your new asphalt driveway. It’s important to understand the causes behind these cracks so that you can take the necessary steps to address them and prevent further damage.

In this article, we will delve into the common causes of asphalt driveway cracks and provide you with valuable insights on how to prevent and address them. By the end, you’ll have a better understanding of why your new asphalt driveway is cracking and the steps you can take to keep it in pristine condition.

Key Takeaways:

  • Asphalt driveways are prone to cracking due to the lack of controlled joints like in concrete driveways.
  • Improper installation and sub-grade problems can also contribute to driveway cracks.
  • Understanding the causes of cracks is crucial for preventing further damage to your asphalt driveway.
  • In this article, we will explore preventive measures and repair options for addressing asphalt driveway cracks.
  • Regular maintenance and prompt repairs are essential for prolonging the lifespan of your asphalt driveway.

Common Problems with New Asphalt Driveways

Newly installed asphalt driveways are prone to a range of issues that can compromise their durability and aesthetics. It’s essential to be aware of these common problems to identify solutions and ensure the longevity of your driveway.

Possible Problems with Asphalt Driveways

Here are some common problems that can arise with new asphalt driveways:

Problem Description
Surface breakdown or raveling The top layer of asphalt starts to degrade, resulting in a rough and uneven surface.
Depressions Low spots or indentations that can hold water and cause further damage.
Potholes Holes that develop in the asphalt surface due to wear and tear.
Alligator cracking A network of interconnected cracks that resemble the skin of an alligator. This occurs when the asphalt cannot handle repeated traffic and heavy loads.
Longitudinal cracking Cracks that run parallel to the length of the driveway.
Block cracking Large interconnected cracks that resemble a grid pattern.
Edge cracks Cracks that form along the edges of the driveway.
Asphalt upheaval Raised areas in the driveway caused by the movement of the underlying soil.
Crumbling asphalt The gradual disintegration of the asphalt surface into small pieces.
Oxidation The breakdown of asphalt due to exposure to oxygen and UV rays.

These problems can arise due to a combination of factors, such as:

  • Improper installation
  • Heavy traffic
  • Temperature changes
  • Water damage
  • Aging of the asphalt

To prevent these problems and ensure the durability of your asphalt driveway, it’s crucial to choose the right construction materials and implement proper installation techniques. Regular maintenance and prompt repairs can also help extend the lifespan of your driveway. Understanding these common problems and their causes is the first step toward finding effective solutions.

Tips for Preventing Driveway Cracking

Preventing driveway cracking is crucial for maintaining the longevity and appearance of your asphalt driveway. By following these driveway maintenance tips, you can minimize the occurrence of cracks and ensure a smooth, durable surface for years to come.

Ensure Proper Preparation

Before laying asphalt, it’s essential to prepare the driveway’s base properly. This involves removing any debris, weeds, or vegetation, ensuring a stable and level foundation. Additionally, consider addressing any drainage issues and compacting the soil to prevent future damage.

Use the Right Tools and Equipment

Using the correct tools and equipment during the asphalt installation process is crucial. This includes having proper paving equipment to ensure the asphalt is evenly spread and compacted. Additionally, utilizing high-quality materials, such as a reputable asphalt mix, can improve the durability and resistance of your driveway.

Apply an Asphalt Sealer

One effective method to prevent driveway cracking is by applying an asphalt sealer. Sealers act as a protective layer, shielding the asphalt from the damaging effects of UV rays, water, and other elements. Regularly applying an asphalt sealer every few years can significantly extend the lifespan of your driveway.

Lay the Driveway in a Warm and Dry Location

When constructing your driveway, choose a warm and dry location whenever possible. This helps prevent moisture from seeping into the asphalt, which can lead to cracking. Additionally, avoid shady areas as they tend to retain moisture for more extended periods.

Ensure Proper Thickness of the Asphalt

The thickness of the asphalt plays a crucial role in its durability and resistance to cracking. It’s essential to consult with a professional contractor to determine the appropriate thickness based on the expected traffic and climate conditions in your area. A thicker asphalt layer can provide better protection against cracking.

Regular Inspection for Cracks and Holes

Regularly inspecting your driveway for cracks and holes is essential for early detection and prompt repairs. Perform visual inspections regularly and address any signs of damage immediately. Small cracks can quickly progress into more significant problems if left untreated.

Maintain the Driveway Regularly

Proper maintenance is key to preventing driveway cracking. Keep the surface clean and free from debris, oil stains, and vegetation. Promptly remove any weeds or grass growing through the cracks. Additionally, fill in any small cracks or potholes with appropriate asphalt crack fillers or patching materials.

By following these driveway maintenance tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of driveway cracking and extend the lifespan of your asphalt driveway. With the proper preparation, regular inspections, and necessary maintenance, your driveway will remain smooth and durable for years to come.

How to Address Asphalt Driveway Problems

If cracks or other issues develop in your asphalt driveway, it’s essential to address them promptly to prevent further damage. Here are some effective methods for addressing common asphalt driveway problems:

Filling in Cracks

If you notice cracks in your asphalt driveway, you can fill them in using a crack filler specifically designed for asphalt surfaces. This helps prevent water penetration and further deterioration of the pavement.

Repainting or Applying Reflective Paint

Revive the appearance of your asphalt driveway by repainting it or applying a reflective paint. Not only does this enhance the overall look, but it also provides an added layer of protection against UV rays and minimizes the chances of cracking.

Repairing or Replacing Damaged Asphalt

If certain sections of your driveway are significantly damaged or deteriorated, repairing or replacing the damaged asphalt may be necessary. This helps restore the structural integrity of the driveway and ensures its longevity.

Removing and Repaving Sections

In some cases, removing and repaving specific sections of the driveway may be the best solution. This is especially true for extensively damaged areas. By replacing the affected sections, you can ensure a smoother and more durable surface.

Installing Proper Drainage

Poor drainage can contribute to the deterioration of an asphalt driveway. Ensure that your driveway has proper drainage systems in place, such as correctly positioned gutters and effective slope angles, to prevent water buildup and damage.

Maintaining a Gravel Base

One effective way to counteract asphalt upheaval, which can lead to cracking, is to maintain a stable gravel base beneath your driveway. This helps distribute the pressure from the pavement and prevents uneven settlement.

Seeking Professional Help

For more complex asphalt driveway problems or if you’re unsure about the best course of action, it’s recommended to hire professionals, such as asphalt pavers or sealing contractors. They have the expertise and equipment necessary to ensure proper repairs and maintenance.

Addressing asphalt driveway problems promptly is crucial for maintaining the longevity and functionality of your driveway. By following these tips and seeking professional assistance when needed, you can keep your driveway in excellent condition for years to come.

Factors Contributing to Asphalt Driveway Cracking

Asphalt driveways are susceptible to cracking due to several contributing factors. Understanding these factors can help homeowners take appropriate preventive measures and effectively address any issues that may arise.

Natural Winter Causes

The freezing and thawing cycles of winter can put significant stress on asphalt driveways, leading to cracks. As water seeps into small cracks in the pavement and freezes, it expands, causing further damage. When the ice thaws, the pavement contracts, creating more cracks. This repetitive cycle weakens the integrity of the driveway over time.

Extreme Heat

High temperatures can also contribute to asphalt driveway cracks. Excessive heat causes the asphalt to expand, and when combined with heavy vehicle traffic, it can lead to cracking. The prolonged exposure to the sun’s UV rays can also accelerate the oxidation process, making the asphalt more susceptible to cracks.

Ground Shifting

Changes in the earth’s movement can exert pressure on the asphalt driveway, causing it to crack. This can result from natural factors such as earthquakes or soil shifting due to moisture changes. Poorly compacted soil during the construction of the driveway can also contribute to ground shifting and subsequent cracking.

Age of the Asphalt

Over time, asphalt undergoes wear and tear, losing its flexibility and becoming more prone to cracks. The aging process is accelerated by factors such as exposure to the elements, heavy traffic, and lack of proper maintenance. Regular inspection and maintenance can help identify and address any issues before they worsen.

Moisture retention, temperature changes, ground movement, and material degradation are all significant contributors to asphalt driveway cracking. By understanding these factors, homeowners can take proactive steps to prevent cracks and ensure the longevity of their driveways.


Cracks in asphalt driveways are a common issue that homeowners face. These cracks can be caused by various factors such as improper installation, sub-grade problems, temperature changes, heavy traffic, and aging of the asphalt. However, there are effective solutions and preventive measures available to address and minimize driveway cracking.

Regular monitoring of the driveway is essential to identify cracks or other issues early on. Applying a high-quality asphalt sealer can help protect the surface from moisture, weathering, and oxidation. Additionally, prompt repairs should be made to fill in any cracks or holes and prevent them from spreading further.

Choosing the right driveway construction materials, such as high-quality asphalt mixtures, and ensuring proper preparation and installation can also contribute to preventing driveway cracking. Regular maintenance, including regular inspections and cleaning, will help to keep the driveway in good condition.

By following these guidelines and investing in proper driveway construction materials, regular maintenance, and necessary repairs, homeowners can prolong the lifespan of their asphalt driveways and enjoy a smooth and crack-free surface for years to come.


Why is my new asphalt driveway cracking?

Asphalt driveways can crack due to the lack of controlled joints like concrete driveways have. Cracking can also be caused by improper installation or sub-grade problems.

What are the common problems with new asphalt driveways?

Common problems with new asphalt driveways include surface breakdown or raveling, depressions, potholes, alligator cracking, longitudinal cracking, block cracking, edge cracks, asphalt upheaval, crumbling asphalt, and oxidation.

How can I prevent driveway cracking?

To prevent driveway cracking, ensure proper preparation before laying asphalt, use the right tools and equipment, apply an asphalt sealer, lay the driveway in a warm and dry location, ensure proper thickness, regularly inspect for cracks and holes, and maintain the driveway regularly.

How can I address asphalt driveway problems?

To address asphalt driveway problems, options include filling in cracks, repainting or applying a reflective paint, repairing or replacing damaged asphalt, removing and repaving sections of the driveway, installing proper drainage, and maintaining a gravel base to counteract upheaval. It is advisable to hire professionals for these repairs.

What factors contribute to asphalt driveway cracking?

Factors contributing to asphalt driveway cracking include freezing and thawing cycles, extreme heat, ground shifting, and the age of the asphalt. Moisture retention, temperature changes, movement of the earth, and material degradation also affect driveway durability.

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