asphalt sealing how often

Mastering Asphalt Sealing How Often?

Asphalt sealing how often is a crucial aspect of maintaining the quality and durability of your pavement. Understanding the frequency at which asphalt should be sealed can significantly impact its longevity and functionality. Factors such as the quality of pavement sealer, the number of coats applied, the amount of material used, daily traffic, and geographic location all play a role in determining how often you should seal your asphalt.

Key Takeaways:

  • Sealcoating your asphalt driveway every three years is recommended in most areas.
  • The frequency may vary depending on factors such as the quality of pavement sealer, number of coats, material usage, traffic, and geographic location.
  • Using a high-quality sealer, applying two coats, and following recommended application and coverage rates are essential for optimal results.
  • Harsh winter weather can accelerate sealcoat wear, requiring more frequent sealing in colder regions.
  • Allowing a newly installed driveway to age for a year before sealcoating is recommended for optimal performance.
  • Consider professional applicators for better results, or if opting for DIY, choose high-quality products.
  • Asphalt-based sealers are more environmentally friendly, while coal tar products are generally more durable.
  • Accurate estimation of sealcoat quantity and proper preparation, such as crack filling and contaminant removal, are essential for effective sealing.
  • Sealcoating has limitations and may not be effective if the base is unsound or extensive damage is present.
  • Over-sealing can lead to a harmful buildup of sealcoat, causing cracking and peeling.

Factors Affecting Asphalt Sealing Frequency

Several factors need to be considered to determine the optimal frequency for asphalt sealing. These factors include the quality of pavement sealer, the number of coats applied, the amount of material applied, the amount of daily traffic, and the geographic area.

Using a high-quality pavement sealer and mix design is crucial for achieving long-lasting results. The quality of the sealer affects its durability and ability to withstand daily wear and tear. Additionally, applying two coats of sealer is typically recommended to ensure adequate coverage and protection.

The amount of material applied during the sealing process is another important factor. It is crucial to follow the recommended application and coverage rates to ensure optimal results. In high traffic areas, it may be necessary to consider applying a third coat for added protection.

Geographic area and weather conditions also play a significant role in determining the sealing frequency. Regions with harsh winter weather may experience faster wear of the sealcoat due to the freezing and thawing cycles. Therefore, it is important to consider more frequent sealcoating in areas with colder climates.

By taking into account these factors, you can determine the optimal frequency for sealing your asphalt driveway, ensuring its longevity and functionality.

Recommended Sealcoating Interval

For most areas, it is advisable to apply a new sealcoat to your asphalt driveway every three years. This interval ensures that your pavement remains protected from the elements and maintains its durability and appearance.

However, it is important to note that the recommended sealcoating interval can vary depending on several factors. The quality of the pavement sealer used, the number of coats applied, and the amount of material applied can all influence how often you should seal your asphalt.

In addition, the amount of daily traffic your driveway receives and the geographic area you live in can also impact the wear and tear on your sealcoat. Regions with harsh winter weather, for example, may experience faster sealcoat wear due to freezing temperatures, snow, and ice.

It is also worth considering the age of your driveway. Newly installed asphalt should be allowed to age for at least a year before applying a sealcoat to ensure optimal results. This allows the pavement to settle and any oils and chemicals to evaporate, resulting in a stronger bond between the sealcoat and the asphalt surface.

Factors Affecting Sealcoating Frequency

To determine the appropriate sealcoating interval for your specific circumstances, it is essential to consider these factors:

  • The quality of the pavement sealer: Using a high-quality sealer can prolong the lifespan of your sealcoat, reducing the need for frequent reapplications.
  • The number of coats applied: Applying two coats of sealcoat, with a possible third coat for high traffic areas, can provide added protection and extend the time between sealcoating.
  • The amount of material applied: Following recommended application and coverage rates is crucial to achieve the desired level of protection and maximize the longevity of your sealcoat.
  • The amount of daily traffic: Driveways that experience heavy traffic, such as multiple vehicles or commercial use, may require more frequent sealcoating to withstand the additional wear and tear.
  • The geographic area: Climate plays a significant role in sealcoat wear. Regions with cold winters or intense UV exposure may experience faster deterioration and may require more frequent sealcoating.

By considering these factors and following the recommended sealcoating interval, you can ensure that your asphalt driveway remains in excellent condition, protecting your investment for years to come.

Winter Weather Considerations

If you live in an area with particularly harsh winter weather, you may need to sealcoat your asphalt more frequently due to increased wear. The freezing temperatures, snow, ice, and salt used to de-ice roadways can have a detrimental effect on the sealcoat, causing it to wear down faster. To mitigate the impact of winter weather on your sealcoating, it is important to take certain precautions.

1. Regular Inspections: In regions with cold climates, it is recommended to inspect your asphalt driveway more frequently for signs of wear and damage. Look out for cracks, potholes, or areas where the sealcoat has worn off. Promptly addressing these issues can help prevent further deterioration.

2. Timely Repairs: If you notice any cracks or potholes in your driveway, it is important to repair them before winter sets in. Water can seep into these openings and freeze, causing the cracks to expand and lead to more significant damage. Repairing these areas promptly will help maintain the integrity of your pavement.

3. Use Winter-Friendly Sealants: Consider using sealants specifically designed for winter conditions. These sealants are formulated to withstand the cold temperatures, freezing, and melting that occur during the winter months. They provide enhanced protection and durability, ensuring that your sealcoat lasts longer despite the harsh weather conditions.

Winter Weather Tips Benefits
Regular inspections Prevention of further damage
Timely repairs Maintaining pavement integrity
Use winter-friendly sealants Enhanced protection and durability

By following these winter weather considerations, you can prolong the lifespan of your asphalt sealcoating and keep your driveway in optimal condition. Regular inspections and timely repairs, along with the use of appropriate winter-friendly sealants, will help protect your pavement from the harsh effects of winter weather. Remember, it is essential to strike a balance in sealcoating frequency, as over-sealing can lead to a buildup of sealcoat that cracks or peels, causing further damage to your asphalt.

New Driveway Considerations

It is recommended to let your newly installed asphalt driveway age for at least a year before considering sealcoating. Allowing the pavement to age helps it settle and cure properly, ensuring a strong and stable foundation for the sealcoat. During this initial period, the asphalt undergoes natural processes like oxidation and hardening, which contribute to its overall durability and longevity.

Before applying a sealcoat, it is essential to prepare the driveway by filling any cracks and removing all debris and contaminants, such as dirt, oil, and vegetation. This ensures a clean surface that will promote proper adhesion of the sealcoat and maximize its performance.

Once the pavement has aged and the preparation is complete, it is then suitable for sealcoating. By following these steps, you are setting a solid foundation for long-lasting protection of your asphalt driveway.

Table 1: Age of Asphalt Driveway and Sealcoating

Age of Asphalt Driveway Recommended Action
Less than 1 year Allow the pavement to age naturally and complete necessary preparations for sealcoating.
1 year or more Apply a quality sealcoat to protect and enhance the longevity of the asphalt.

DIY vs. Professional Sealcoating

While DIY sealcoating is possible, professional applicators often have access to superior products that may yield better results. When you choose to do it yourself, you have the freedom to control the process and save on labor costs. However, professional sealcoating companies have the experience and expertise to ensure a more efficient and effective application.

One advantage of hiring professional applicators is their access to high-quality sealants. They have industry knowledge and can select products that are specifically designed for your pavement’s needs. These professional-grade sealers often offer better durability, longevity, and protection against UV rays, water damage, and oil spills.

Another factor to consider is the equipment used. Professional applicators have access to specialized tools and machinery that enable them to apply the sealcoat evenly and efficiently. Their equipment allows for consistent coverage and a smooth finish, resulting in a more professional-looking surface.

DIY Sealcoating Professional Applicators
Requires manual application Utilizes specialized equipment
May be more time-consuming Offers faster and more efficient application
May lack experience and expertise Brings knowledge and skill to the job

Ultimately, the decision between DIY sealcoating and hiring professionals depends on your budget, time availability, and desired results. If you have the necessary equipment, skills, and experience, DIY sealcoating can be a cost-effective option. However, if you want a superior sealcoat application for optimal pavement protection and aesthetics, professional applicators are the way to go.

Asphalt-Based vs. Coal Tar Sealers

When choosing a sealer, you will need to decide between environmentally friendly asphalt-based sealers and more durable coal tar sealers. Asphalt-based sealers are favored for their lower impact on the environment, as they are made from natural resources and are less toxic compared to coal tar products. These sealers are also known for their flexibility and ability to bond well with asphalt surfaces. They provide excellent protection against water penetration and UV rays, helping to prevent cracks and premature deterioration.

On the other hand, coal tar sealers are renowned for their exceptional durability and resistance to wear. They are composed of coal-derived compounds and have a dark, glossy finish. Coal tar sealers create a thicker protective layer on the asphalt surface, making them ideal for high-traffic areas. Their enhanced resistance to oil, gas, and other chemicals makes them a popular choice for commercial driveways and parking lots.

It is important to note that the choice between asphalt-based and coal tar sealers may depend on local regulations and restrictions. Some areas have banned the use of coal tar sealers due to concerns about potential environmental and health hazards. In such cases, asphalt-based sealers offer a viable alternative that meets both performance and environmental requirements.

The Environmental Impact

Asphalt-based sealers are considered to be more environmentally friendly because they are derived from natural resources and contain fewer harmful chemicals. Coal tar sealers, on the other hand, contain higher levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and other potentially toxic substances. These PAHs have been found to be harmful to aquatic life and can contaminate nearby water bodies.

By choosing asphalt-based sealers, you can reduce your environmental footprint while still enjoying the benefits of a protective sealcoat. It is important to follow local guidelines and regulations regarding the use of sealers to ensure compliance with environmental standards and protect the ecosystem.

Asphalt-Based Sealers Coal Tar Sealers
Environmentally friendly Durable and long-lasting
Flexible and bonds well with asphalt Thicker protective layer
Protects against water penetration and UV rays Resistant to oil, gas, and chemicals
Contains fewer harmful chemicals Higher levels of potentially toxic substances

Proper Preparation and Estimation

Before sealcoating, it is essential to thoroughly prepare your driveway by filling cracks and eliminating any contaminants. This will ensure a smooth and long-lasting finish. Start by thoroughly cleaning the surface using a power washer or a stiff broom to remove dirt and debris. Pay special attention to any oil stains, as these can prevent the sealcoat from adhering properly. Use a degreaser or an oil spot primer to treat these areas before proceeding.

Next, inspect the driveway for any cracks or potholes. Patch these areas using a high-quality asphalt crack filler or cold patch repair compound. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper application. For larger cracks or potholes, it may be necessary to hire a professional to make the repairs.

Once the cracks have been filled and the surface is clean, it’s time to estimate the amount of sealcoat needed. Measure the length and width of your driveway and calculate the total square footage. Consult the sealcoat manufacturer’s recommendations for coverage rates to determine the amount of sealcoat required. It’s always a good idea to purchase a little extra to account for any touch-ups or additional coats that may be needed.

Driveway Dimensions Total Square Footage Estimated Sealcoat Quantity
10 ft x 20 ft 200 sq ft 5 gallons
12 ft x 30 ft 360 sq ft 9 gallons
15 ft x 40 ft 600 sq ft 15 gallons

Once you have determined the amount of sealcoat needed, you can purchase the materials and begin the application process. It is recommended to use a squeegee or a sprayer to apply the sealcoat evenly. Take your time and work in small sections, ensuring complete coverage. Allow the sealcoat to dry completely before allowing any traffic on the driveway.

Limitations of Sealcoating

While sealcoating is beneficial, it is important to recognize its limitations and understand when it may not provide the desired results. Sealcoating is primarily designed to protect asphalt pavement from the damaging effects of sunlight, water, and chemicals. However, there are certain situations where sealcoating may not be effective or may even cause more harm than good.

One limitation of sealcoating is that it cannot repair existing damage or restore structurally compromised pavement. If the base of the asphalt is not sound, with extensive cracks or other structural issues, applying a sealcoat will not solve the problem. In fact, it may only provide a temporary cosmetic improvement while the underlying issues continue to worsen. In such cases, it is necessary to address the underlying problems before considering sealcoating.

Another limitation of sealcoating is its inability to prevent or repair significant cracks. While sealcoating can help to fill and seal small cracks, larger cracks or wide gaps in the pavement may require more extensive repairs, such as patching or resurfacing. Applying a sealcoat over extensive cracking may result in ineffective adhesion and an uneven appearance.

Furthermore, sealcoating is not a permanent solution. Over time, sealcoats will naturally wear away due to traffic, weather conditions, and general wear and tear. It is important to understand that sealcoating is a maintenance measure, not a one-time fix. Regular reapplication of the sealcoat is necessary to maintain its protective properties and extend the life of the pavement.

Limitations of Sealcoating:
Cannot repair existing damage or restore structurally compromised pavement
Ineffective for significant cracks, requiring larger repairs
Not a permanent solution; regular reapplication is necessary

The Dangers of Over-Sealing

It is crucial to avoid over-sealing your asphalt, as excessive application can result in the buildup of sealcoat that may crack or peel. While sealcoating provides protection against the elements and extends the life of your pavement, too many layers can actually do more harm than good.

Over-sealing can lead to a variety of issues, including an unsightly buildup of sealcoat that can detract from the appearance of your driveway. This buildup can become brittle and prone to cracking or peeling, creating an uneven and unattractive surface. Additionally, excessive sealcoating can make it difficult for water to evaporate, causing moisture to become trapped underneath the layers of sealant. This trapped moisture can lead to the deterioration of the underlying asphalt and ultimately result in costly repairs.

To prevent the dangers of over-sealing, it is important to follow the recommended guidelines for the number of coats to apply and the thickness of each coat. Applying two coats of sealant is typically sufficient for most driveways, but high traffic areas may benefit from a third coat. It is important to apply each coat evenly and allow ample drying time between applications to ensure proper adhesion and prevent any buildup.

Signs of Over-Sealing

  • Cracking or peeling of the sealcoat
  • Uneven or bumpy surface
  • Trapped moisture or discoloration

If you suspect that your asphalt driveway has been over-sealed, it is recommended to consult with a professional to assess the condition of the pavement. They can provide guidance on the best course of action, which may include removing the excess sealcoat or resurfacing the entire driveway.

Effects of Over-Sealing Prevention and Remedies
Cracking or peeling of sealcoat Follow recommended guidelines for number of coats and thickness
Uneven or bumpy surface Apply each coat evenly and allow ample drying time between applications
Trapped moisture or discoloration Consult with a professional for assessment and guidance

Remember, finding the right balance when it comes to sealcoating is key to ensuring the longevity and functionality of your asphalt driveway. Avoid the dangers of over-sealing by following proper application techniques and seeking professional advice when needed.


Finding the optimal frequency for asphalt sealing is crucial for the long-term health and performance of your pavement. Sealcoating your asphalt driveway every three years is generally recommended, but various factors can influence the frequency.

To ensure the best results, start by using a high-quality pavement sealer and mix design. Applying two coats of sealer, following recommended application and coverage rates, and considering a third coat for high-traffic areas can help maximize the lifespan of your pavement.

If you live in an area with harsh winter weather, it’s important to be aware that sealcoat wear may occur at a faster rate. Additionally, allowing a newly installed asphalt driveway to age for a year before applying a sealcoat is advised to allow for optimal curing and adhesion.

While DIY sealcoating is possible, hiring professional applicators may offer benefits such as access to better products and expertise. Consider the environmental impact and durability when choosing between asphalt-based sealers, which are more environmentally friendly, and coal tar sealers, which are generally more durable.

Accurately estimating the amount of sealcoat needed and properly preparing your driveway for sealcoating, including crack filling and removing contaminants, are important steps to ensure a successful application.

However, it is important to note that sealcoating has limitations. If the base of your pavement is not sound or there is extensive damage, sealcoating may not be effective. Additionally, over-sealing can lead to a buildup of sealcoat that cracks or peels, so it’s essential to find the right balance in terms of frequency.

By understanding the factors that influence asphalt sealing frequency and following the recommended guidelines, you can maintain the longevity and functionality of your pavement, protecting your investment for years to come.


Q: How often should I sealcoat my asphalt driveway?

A: Sealcoating your asphalt driveway should be done every three years in most areas. However, the frequency may vary depending on factors such as the quality of pavement sealer, the number of coats applied, the amount of material applied, the amount of daily traffic, and the geographic area.

Q: What factors affect the frequency of asphalt sealing?

A: The frequency of asphalt sealing can be influenced by factors such as the quality of pavement sealer, the number of coats applied, the amount of material applied, the amount of daily traffic, and the geographic area.

Q: What is the recommended interval between sealcoating applications?

A: In most areas, it is recommended to sealcoat your asphalt driveway every three years. However, this can vary depending on various factors and the specific conditions in your area.

Q: How does winter weather affect the wear of sealcoat?

A: Harsh winter weather can accelerate the wear of sealcoat on asphalt driveways. Regions with colder climates may require more frequent sealcoating to maintain the pavement’s integrity.

Q: Should I wait before sealcoating a newly installed asphalt driveway?

A: It is recommended to allow a newly installed asphalt driveway to age for a year before applying a sealcoat. This allows the pavement to settle and ensures optimal results.

Q: Is DIY sealcoating possible, or should I hire professionals?

A: DIY sealcoating is possible, but professional applicators may use better products and have the experience to achieve better results. Consider your skills and resources before deciding whether to tackle the project yourself or hire professionals.

Q: What is the difference between asphalt-based and coal tar sealers?

A: Asphalt-based sealers are more environmentally friendly, while coal tar sealers are generally more durable. Consider your environmental concerns and the durability requirements of your asphalt driveway when choosing between the two options.

Q: How do I properly prepare my driveway for sealcoating?

A: Proper preparation for sealcoating includes filling cracks and removing contaminants from the driveway. Ensure that your driveway is clean and free of any debris before applying the sealcoat.

Q: What are the limitations of sealcoating?

A: Sealcoating may not be effective if the base of the asphalt is not sound or if there is extensive damage or cracks. It is important to assess the condition of your driveway before considering sealcoating as a solution.

Q: Are there any dangers associated with over-sealing?

A: Over-sealing can lead to a buildup of sealcoat that cracks or peels. It is important to find the right balance in asphalt sealing frequency to avoid such issues.

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